Centralt i gamla stan och bara några hundra meter från Medelhavet ligger huset Can llop, en tillbygg fd fiskebostad.
l'Escala ligger på Costa Brava-kusten i ett område som erbjuder härliga badstränder och fina naturområden, såväl natur- som marinreservat. Pyrenéerna syns som en fasad när du går längs med strandpromenaden.
Located in the old town of L'Escala, the house is close to the shores of the Mediterranean sea. The house is an old fishermans house that has been renovated to modern standards.
L'Escala is located in Costa Brava with the wonderful Mediterranean sea to the east and the Pyrenees to the west. The old town of L'Escala offers you nice walkways along the beach as well as in parks and marine life. Read more>
Girona, 45 km
Barcelona, 140 km
Perpignan, Frankrike/France, 80 km
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